Tuesday, April 19, 2005

General Powell

I saw that General Powell will be driving the pace care at the Indy 500 this year. I have not watched Indy for some time, but I won't miss his performance.

Sorry to see that Sam Mills lost his battle with cancer.

Is it just me, or is this allergy season horrible. Thank goodness for children's Benadryl. It's liquid that I can dose high enough to alleviate my symptoms but low enough to not put me to sleep.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Roland Fryer

Margaret Kimberly is mad at Roland Fryer, a Harvard economist and confirmed "self-hater." Fryer was featured in the New York Times Magazine, and Ms. Kimberly did not like what she read. I found her commentary on the Black Commentator, a site that every Thursday confirms that the sky is falling on Black America. Eeyore would love that site.

I am sure that a whole bunch of folks from the Black political left are ready to cook Fryer (pun intended). Look out Fryer, the shots are coming your way, courtesy of the Black Taliban.

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary to Bill Bennett and the folks at Morning In America. Their show is one of the few conservative shows that I can take all the time. Too many of the other conservative talk show hosts are demeaning of the other side. Rather than being righteous, they are self-righteous. I can take them in doses, but then I have to turn them off.

I can listen to Bill Bennett without fear that he will make fun of his opponents. He will make a good argument instead.

Morning is America, that is, waking up in this country every day is a wonderful thing. I don't want to be anywhere else. That his show is titled Morning in America means so much to me. The best mornings are Mornings in America.

I look forward to the day when XM radio puts him on for the full 3 hours of his show. I don't need the Wall Street Journal's show that follows his first 2 hours.

Happy Anniversary!

Monday, April 04, 2005

Islamist as baggage screener

My morning trip to Jihad Watch was alarming. Check out the link in the title above. How can an Islamist become a baggage screener? This is crazy!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Li'l Kim

Oooh, there it was in Jet Magazine Li'l Kim was convicted of perjury. The charge stemmed from a beef with Foxy Brown. Truth be told, for the longest I did not know that Li'l Kim and Foxy Brown were 2 different people - I am getting old. (As an aside, have Michael and La Toya been seen together in the court room?). Anyhow, lying and keeping a fight going does have its costs.

I guess I ought to renew that Jet subscription!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Sugar Bear

Whatever happened to my beloved Sugar Bear? I was serving cereal to my son and thought about cereals from my past. There used to be one cereal called Super Sugar Crisp. There is no way in today's politically correct world that a cereal could have the word "sugar" in its title. The substitute would be "honey." After all, honey is more "natural" than sugar.

I miss Sugar Bear!