Saturday, April 21, 2007

Another Black Conservative is on the air

It was great to hear Casey Lartigue on XM Channel 169, The Power. Conservative/libertarian black voices exist and must be heard.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Power

After a brief session of listening to black people who called in to Joe Madison's show on XM169 "The Power," I am reminded of how powerful the lens of race blinds some people. Caller after caller suggested or stated that the fact that there was no shred of evidence to even charge the Duke University lacrosse players with a crime, a crime occurred. Wind the tape back a few years: despite overwhelming evidence against OJ Simpson, he was acquitted in court and found innocent in the court of black public opinion.

The lens of race has distorted people's vision once more. Why do they choose that lense each morning? Familiarity? Comfort as a result of group think? It is a choice....

Friday, April 13, 2007


For now, I like Rudy the best. Yes personal past is sloppy, but I think what's most important is that he will approach every day as president as if it were September 12th.

The other reason I like him is that he has lowered the murder rate in New York and as a result, there are more black men alive who would have otherwise had their blood pooling in some gutter.


Don Imus had to go because he was mean for no redeeming purpose, and ultimately his comments were bad for business.
Using Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as moral arbiters is absurd. They would have no standing were it not for liberal white guilt. Guilt prevents their behavior from being challenged as it should; consequently, they are held to a lower standard of conduct than white liberals hold for themselves. Al and Jesse are the blacks liberals love to love, and that explains their presence and endurance as "leaders" despite their lack of moral qualifications to lead.