Friday, September 30, 2005

Bill Bennett is a racist?

What is racist is the fact that every 36 hours for the past fifteen years, a murder has occurred in the City of Baltimore, and a string of Democratic Mayors and Council Members have not been up to the task of dealing with it.

What is racist is that the average black child graduates from high school reading on the level of the average white 8th grader, and the left continues to make excuses for this poor performance.

And folks have the nerve to get their pantys in a wad over a hypothetical statement as opposed to the crimes of omission of the left?

Stay on your toes, Bill.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


One problem with victimhood is that it sweet at first and sour in the end. For some, the first taste is irresitibly good like heroin or cocaine and the "victim" is hooked.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


My 7-year old son asked me "what is TNT?" I first thought he was referring to the cable TV channel. He clarified "you know, like dynamite." I told him TNT stood for trinitrotoluene. I phonetically broke it down for him and asked to repeat it until he got it right. He was thrilled to be able to say trinitrotoluene. Good for him now and in the future.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Atta Boy!

I was glad to read that former FEMA director Brown said the following:

"My biggest mistake was not recognizing, by Saturday (before the storm made landfall), that Louisiana was dysfunctional," Michael Brown told a House of Representatives panel looking into the aftermath of the catastrophic storm.


"I very strongly personally regret that I was unable to persuade (Louisiana) Governor (Kathleen) Blanco and (New Orleans) Mayor (Ray) Nagin to sit down, get over their differences and work together," he said. "I just couldn't pull that off."

Don't let them folks buffalo you into a corner; fight back!

Zaraqawi's number 2 killed?

If this is so, this is good news. If we got #2, number one may be around the corner.


I don't know which is worse, the toxic soup that is flowing through New Orleans or the toxic message to black people that they are victims, that "whitey" is mistreating them every chance they get, and that their salvation lies in the liberal left and with big government.