Monday, August 20, 2007

Vick's indictment

The indictment against Michael Vick - ugly!

What Black Men Think

I saw Janks Morton on C-SPAN's Q and A show last evening and enjoyed Brian Lamb's interview. Mr. Morton has added to the conversation about black people in general and black men in particular. I hope that some of the people who see his movie will do something tangible to improve the lives of black people. His criticism of the NAACP shines a light on a once glorious and now outdated organization.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Eventually, Bonds will hit 756. So what. I will be over. If he has any charity in him, he will retire immediately after he does it. If not then at the end of this season. Good riddance.

More Black Taliban

Casey Lartigue (spelled Lartue on XM) and Eliot Morgan got the shaft by the Black Taliban that controls the thinking and actions of black Americans.