Friday, December 29, 2006

Murder in Baltimore

The following quote says a lot about the intransigence of murder in Baltimore
A Police Department spokesman blamed the homicide rate on a culture that discourages people from seeking the help of police.

"It's hard to help people who don't want your help," said police spokesman Matt Jablow, adding that more than 80 percent of city homicide victims have criminal records. The average homicide victim has been arrested 8.6 times, he said.

"All too many times there will be a shooting, a nonfatal shooting, and in the course of our investigation we'll talk to the person, and they won't cooperate with us," he said. "And in a few weeks or months they'll show up dead."
These victims and perpetrators live in a world of their own, with its own traditions, rules, and standards. If there is something to be done, that culture needs to be altered. It may not be reachable and we will have to live with this as brutal background noise in an otherwise civilized city.


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