Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Anthony was suspended. Urban culture was not

Carmelo Anthony's nature was first revealed when he appeared in a Baltimore 'hood flick' that was designed to discourage ordinary citizens from "snitching" to the police about illegal activity. Don't believe for a secoond that he just happened to be a bystander when the video camera was filming. Everyone passively falls in with the wrong crowd, but no one admits to being the one who calls the wrong crowd to order. Put another way, trouble finds troublemakers.

Another act in his urban drama played out in a fight where his Denver Nuggets brawled with the New York Knicks. Once more, the real Carmelo Anthony stood up for urban culture. Perhaps after 15 games' worth of rest, one can hope that he and other "ballers" will have learned a lesson. It's not likely however as their culture, one that tolerates, even celebrates antisocial acts, is beyond the reach of an occasional sanction. It will only respond to repeated, drastic, and unapologetic punishments that are free of moral equivocation, coupled with a clearly lit but narrow path to improvement and redemption. The redemptive path offers sweeter and more enduring sustenance than the bitter empty calories produced by winning the "beatdown," but only for those who choose to enter it.

Let's hope there is no act three as it could be fatal.


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