Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Troublemakers part 2

Marion Barry once again proves my point: trouble makers make trouble. The following appeared in the Washington Times:
Former Washington Mayor Marion Barry, who now sits on the city council, accuses police officers in the District of Columbia of engaging in racial profiling.
      Barry was given a traffic ticket Saturday for driving with a suspended license after an officer, who happens to be black, pulled him over for going too slow. It turns out Barry's license was not suspended, the Washington Post reports, although he has a court date pending after being pulled over by the Secret Service in September and cited for drunken driving.
      In fact, Barry told the Post, he believes that law enforcement officers are targeting him specifically, not just blacks. He thinks that they all know his car.
      "I think I'm targeted," he said. "In all my driving, I've never seen another green Camaro."


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