Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Fred Thompson

Fred Thompson is like Microsoft vaporware. When will we see it? If he continues to pretend to run, people will continue to pretend to be interested and pretend to support him. He needs to get out there and take his lumps like the rest of them.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Strict empathics - Obama's test for the Supreme Court

Obama said he would look into the heart of a potential Supreme Court nominee. "We need somebody who's got the empathy to recognize what it's like to be a young teen-aged mom," he said.

Eastern Michigan U cover up

Lemme guess why it is so hard to find a picture of Orange Taylor, the alleged rapist and killer of Laura Dickinson: he is black and his victim is white. Orange Taylor is not what the mainstream press wants to show, so he is mostly hidden. Nor is he what the administrators at Eastern Michigan wanted to see.
The school administrators Nifonged themselves when they dismissed the facts of the case in search of a more racially palatable explanation. They hated the fact that the suspect is a black male because it did not comport with their liberal racial ideology. In their racial world, black males are only victims of the white racist system and never evildoers. Ignoring facts does not change them in Durham or in Ypsilanti.

National Ghetto League to take another hit?

Now that Michael Vick has been indicted, yet one more person is likely to be placed on suspension in advance of the start of the season. Roger Goodell's efforts to root out the ghetto influences on the NFL are long overdue and are greatly appreciated. I am tired of seeing these debauched fools "keep it real" without sanction.