Friday, May 26, 2006


I am relieved that the President continues to act as if every day is 9/12, not 9/10. At least that is what I concluded from his speech at the National Restaraunt Association earlier this month. We have an enemy that wants us off the planet, and we need constant vigilance. We have real enemies that we cannot wish away or deny that they exist.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Minor Miracle

I got to shake the hand of a man who is celebrating 20 years of sobriety today. That's a good thing.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Halfheimers: Not as bad as Alzheimers. It's when you can only remember half the stuff you want to.

Divide and go Nuclear

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad does not believe we have the stick, what with our internal disloyal opposition and Europe's lack of military punch or military will. He expects Europe to look for a bunch of reasons to avoid war.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Why deal drugs

Drug dealers do it for the money and the goodies that come with dealing drugs. Importantly, however, they do it because, like other men, they feel the instinctual compulsion to kill it and drag it home.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I and I

Somewhere in the Jewish diaspora someone is making a contribution that will benefit an Iranian, yet the Mullahs want to wipe Israel off the map. Good grief.


Too many people think that Bin Laden doesn't really want us all dead. Too many people think that the president of Iran does not spend his nights and days planning how to wipe Israel off the map. These folks mean what they say. They also know that they can soften America up by sending letters and tapes that repeat the talking points of the hate-America-first crowd. They just have to watch CNN, take notes, and feed it back to the whimpy Americans who are in denial.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Love the title

Mike Adams wrote a column entitled Pin the Tail on the Honky where he lists the top ten things that black people blame on white people. He left off my favorite: everything wrong with us. After all, we were all kings and queens before we met white folks, right? Yeah, right.

Feral Black Males?

Strong words from Greg Kane. Are there feral black males out there? Are they unreachable? If so, how are they dealt with?