Friday, July 29, 2005


Bob Herbert starts his op-ed this way:

It is now generally understood that the U.S.-led war in Iraq has become a debacle
Clearly he has not talked to any returning soldiers. I talked to one major who was not deployed and the liberal mother of one who is deployed. The one who was deployed remarked that his soldiers did not know they were losing the war until they got home and watched the news.

The one who was not deployed has met soldiers who have returned and they are eager to go back. Guys like Bob are something. They state their articles of faith as if they are fact and the soft-minded faithful go along with it.

21st Century Socialism

I was listening to a report on the BBC today where the government of Venezuela was allowing workers to have some say in the running of the government-owned aluminum industry. Aluminum is second largest industry behind oil. Anyhow, this "worker" participation was described as "21st century socialism." Wouldn't it be more appropriate to call it 21st century tyranny.

These socialist still keep trying to get it right. Over and over, they get it wrong: Nazism, Maoism, Baathism, Communism. The only thing these regimes get right is tyranny and murder of millions of people. F.A. Hayek must be spinning in his grave!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Muslim reformists speak

I was directed to this article because I have a google news alert for Mamoun Fandy. I first saw him on C-SPAN and have been interested in what he has to say.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Back in space

Thank God for a country so free.


I read a headline that essentially said that black churches need to do more regarding AIDS. I have nothing against black churches, but is the phrase "black churches..." a cliche? Is it an overused symbol that no longer represents "unity" among black people? Are black churches a bloc?

Monday, July 18, 2005

King-Drew Hospital

I watched CPSAN's Q and A last night which showed an interview of 2 reporters from the LA Times who did an in-depth study of King-Drew Hospital. Revealing. Poor care and victimology.

Our culture has problems in it that need to be reformed. Every time a white person is critical of us, it is not racism. Every time we fail to meet our obligations, it is not caused by a legacy of racism. Yesterday is as far away as anything on the planet. We need to move on. Holding onto grievances from the past will not get us far into the future. We can glance back at times, but that should not be our primary activity. We need to move forward and look forward.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Note to the UK after bombings in London

God Bless!

Carry On!