Black Leaders have called for a march on Washington. For what? The stated intent is to have a commemoration for the Million Man March. I just don't see the point. I saw nothing tangible come from the Million Man March. I heard a lot of retread rhetoric but saw nothing of substance.
I guess the anniversary march will be more of the same - more nothing. I bet that the turnout will be pitiful this time. The past march attracted a lot of people. The lackluster results after the march have soured many to a repeat. Fool me once, shame on you. People will stay away in droves to avoid being fooled twice.
It seems this time that Farrakhan, Big Al, and Jesse will all be there together. They will show some unity by all sharing that one microphone. The rhetoric will be plentiful and of a socialist nature. They have already gotten started. According to the above linked article, Farrakhan said "we're reaching for the millions who carry the rich on their backs." Oh really? It seems to me that the rich and the middle class do most of the "carrying" by paying nearly all of the income taxes, creating the jobs in their small businesses, and contributing time and money to charities.
Sharpton expressed a desire "to end disparities between black and white Americans." I guess he does not know that there will always be disparity between people because people have equal rights but lack equal abilities. If he is for an end to disparaties between blacks and whites, is he in favor of preferential hiring of white basketball players into the NBA? I doubt it.
The worst part is that they "are promoting a Day of Absence from work and school on Friday, October 14th." If "the masses" need anything, they need to be showing up to work and school! Man, these folks are backward.
With "leaders" like these, no wonder there is trouble in the black community.
I wonder if Bill Cosby is on the list of invited guests. I doubt it. I do hope he comments on this foolishness.